Structured Markup Creator

Are you looking to improve your webpage with structured markup code? We have developed a simple structured markup creator tool to assist you with this. Simply select from the categories on our left hand menu and enter your details and we will generate the code you need for your webpages.

All we ask in return is that you are happy to cite our schema creator tool (you don’t have too, feel free to remove the citation code if you wish).

This is generated via a no follow piece of code to fall inline with best practices, if you wish to change this to a follow then great, and we would love you to share with your colleagues so we can play our part in assist your friends to make the web a more structured environment.

What is structured data markup

“Structured data markup” is a form of machine readable code in order for search engines to understand more about the content on your website.

With structured data markup code search engines can index and understand your content better in many ways to enhance many beneficial features such as voice results, maps and presentation within the knowledge graph and various other google properties.

You can have a whole host of markup features available for organizations, events, movie reviews, music actions, books, social media, breadcrumbs, articles, videos, software apps & products. There are also many other markup properties from which you can utilize and we will we will be featuring some more of these on our website soon.

Schema Creator Tool

Our Schema creator tool is very easy to use, simply choose a schema type from our left hand menu, fill out the form and it will generate the correct code snippet for you. You can add this into your webpages and test it by following the steps below.

There are a number of ways in which you can test if your schema markup is valid.

  1. Within the structured data markup validation tool httpss://
  2. The Structured data dashboard of the site appearance section of google webmaster tools.

    • A On the Webmaster Tools home page, click the site you want
    • B On the Dashboard, click Search Appearance.
    • C Click Structured Data.
  3. If you use bing webmaster tools you test your markup with their markup validator

    • A Login to your bing webmaster tools
    • B Click your dashboard
    • C Go to Diagnostics & tools
    • D Click markup validator and enter your URL