Fix Deltacopys File Name Too Long Errors Rsync Windows


Looking to Fix Deltacopys File Name Too Long Errors Rsync Windows

What you need to do is this.

1: Download the older working version of Cygwin at sourceforge:

2: Once you have downloaded the zip, ONLY extract cygwin1.dll and replace it in the main deltacopy folder.  HINT: (make sure you stop the server first)

3: Now you need to add the following two options to deltacd.conf on the first 2 lines:

uid = 0
gid = 0

4: Now start the server for deltacopy.

5: Edit your local paths by adding \\?\ infront of the drive letter.

For example if i was backing up C:\MyFolder

Change the folder path that you are backing up in the DeltaCopy client to: \\?\C:\MyFolder

This fix works 21/09/2015 and will probably always work as long as you follow my instructions.


Credit to IT manager Stoogle