Googles Quality Algorithm Update has now been confirmed by Google. In a recent post on Search Engine Land Google have confirmed the release of the Quality Algorithm Update which has affected many websites of all kinds such as News sites and Loan Sites. Owners are not only seeing some huge drops in rankings some are … Continue reading Googles Quality Algorithm Update
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According to a recent report from an unsourced tech analyst, Twitter may block upwards of 10 million of its users for posting pornographic material on their social network. The purge of explicit and adult content might not necessarily affect traditional businesses, but would certainly have a tremendous impact on the social network in its entirety. … Continue reading Twitter Social Media Latest
According to a recently released survey by the company itself, Pinterest helps people plan for the future. Whether it is about planning a dinner party, decorating a home, or planning the ideal wedding. Thanks to a co-sponsored survey by the company itself, statistics reveal that Pinterest also helps people find what they want to buy … Continue reading Pinterest Swaying Purchasing Decisions
We have already announced that Google rolled out its own brand-new mobile friendly ranking algorithm, but now it is Bing’s time to do the same thing. Unlike Google, Bing has been straightforward about how the search engine giant is going to determine if a web page is mobile friendly. While there is no specific date … Continue reading Bing’s Mobile Friendly Ranking Algorithm
Pinterest Social Media bookmarking site has raised $1.3 Billion funding in the last 9 rounds from 25 investors. In the latest round of Series G funding they have carried out out a new secondary sale to allow employees to cash in some of their shares, what a great idea moving forward don’t you think. The … Continue reading Pinterest Social Media